Event Typology (PART B)


The events featured in this portfolio can be browsed via two methods; either by month, or in accordance with a custom-made typology. 

A Framework for the Classification Process
A considerable amount of thought has been put into how the events in this portfolio should be organised. There were many options in terms of how to group the events. The easiest method was to simply group events according to simplified labels. Therefore, a music festival and a burlesque festival could have been categorised together under the label, 'festival.' However, Getz (2012) describes labels as descriptive social construct - indicating that labels are not a sufficient way to define and categorise events. While the statement is reasonable, it is arguable that form 
is not the most holistic way by which to differentiate events.

In an effort to effectively describe and identify assimilation's between events, emotions were considered as potential grouping tools. Difficulties arose however, when an 'ultimate ladies night' had to be grouped with 'cirque adrenaline' under 'exciting.' It is not far fetched that a conservative woman would be appalled or embarrassed rather than excited - about half naked men dancing on women's laps. The highly subjective nature of experience, emotions and meanings alone; made it almost impossible to pool events together in a satisfactory manner. Furthermore, efforts to categorise the events appropriately resulted in the need to answer the following questions:

1. Who designed the event and what is the event's overall purpose or goal? 

2. What is the environment or the conditions of the event? How does it influence an event?

3. Who will the event impact/benefit in the long term? Consider the target audience/stakeholders.

The organisation's goal and the reason for the event is what determines the overall purpose of an event. This will be discussed in further detail later on.

The dynamics of an event are heavily influenced by external factors like music, general mood, situations within the event and the event space. Although it is important to note that the dynamics of an event play a role in assigning a suitable typology, it is hard to determine via a press release what the dynamics of an event will actually turn out to be, unless one is present. Dynamics will hence be dismissed categorisation criteria in this case.

For the purpose of this assessment - environment refers specifically to the physical characteristics of the venue or the event space - it is not referring to the natural environment or the weather specifically. Environment can have a significant impact on an event, attendee behaviour and the general atmosphere; and due to the implicit behavioural expectations and meanings associated to environments (as determined by culture).

Impact is important because it is necessary to consider whether people are impacted individuals, as a community or as an entire nation of peoples. When establishing impact, it is also useful to assess who the target audience.

The Typology
Below is an explanation of the criteria that the event meets in order to have qualified for the category.

Cultural & Community Events
In order to be categorised as a cultural and community event, it is best to use the principles above as a guide. The framework involves determining the event goal and the organisational purpose; the event's environment and the impact or target audience of the event. As a general rule (when adhering to this particular framework), the organisation behind the event should not be a profitable organisation. This is because the purpose of a profitable organisation is to make a profit - which means that the goal is self-serving. When an organisation does not directly seek to serve itself, the benefit is dispersed amongst the host community (local councils, local businesses comprising predominantly of locally-based individuals).

As discussed above, purpose, environment and impact should be used as a guiding framework when categorising events. To give an example, say that there is a clean-eating show case at a convention center, and a clean-eating show case at a park. Both have gathered industry businesses and encourage monetary transactions and trade. However, a convention center is a business environment, and there will be predominantly business-oriented audience and the event has been coordinated by a company with profitable business objectives (purposes). In summary, an examination of the overall purpose, environment and impact reveals that the event can be confidently classified as a business event.

Defining the criteria for 'learning' became challenging when it came to determining whether a free marketing workshop (a business matter) was a business event or a learning event. Both were applicable, but eventually it was decided by applying the framework. Firstly, the seminar is free, there is no direct or immediate self-serving goal present in any individual or organisation. The purpose is for individual's to learn. The training impacts the individual positively, which further benefits the individual. Finally, the environment is appropriate for the task of learning, as it is to be held in a training room. The business workshop can now be categorised to a satisfying degree as a learning event. 

The presiding criteria for the category play, was purpose and environment. Put simply, was the purpose of the event to enjoy oneself? If so, did the environment help cultivate a 'fun' atmosphere? There is no need to elaborately discuss that having fun is dependent on the individual, but a 'fun' ambience is distinguishable whether everyone is having fun or not. Where it is acceptable to be less sensible than otherwise expected (for adults). Children's fun day events have also been marked under 'play.'

Spiritual/open minded
This category encompasses everything to do with one's higher state of being, or as Maslow coined it, self actualisation. It is the reinvestment of one's energy into themselves either through special practice, exercise or worship. Events that do this have all been tagged as spiritual or open minded - in order to attract individuals that are open to or seeking new experiences

Creative Arts
The Creative Arts category covers a broad range of events from live performance to markets that make an emphasis on a creative thematic. This title has been attributed to event's with a main purpose of displaying or selling products of creative talent both tangible and intangible.

This title is attributed to those events that raise funds and awareness for the plight of another. Environment was not overly relevant or useful factor when determining which events qualified as cause, but purpose and impact did play a critical role.

Getz (2012) offers a definition of a hallmark event, as a culturally authentic event that is inextricably linked to a particular place which is both "annual" and "permanent" (p 49). This definition has been adopted for the typology used here. To qualify as Hallmark using the custom guidelines, it must prioritise authenticity and location, in such a way that the event has an impact on the destination's image.

This classification applies to events that hold the purpose of revisiting and educating the audience about historical events relating to the location. The impact should affect the general public and enrich appreciation of the town or city.

These kind of events are generally specific to cultural norms or beliefs held by western societies. 'Celebrative' events are those with the purpose of celebrating something or someone in particular, that typically impact society as a whole. Environment does not hold any significant influence over these events as long as it does not result in anything overly negative.

Corporate and Cause
Events classified as such, are those that are closely integrated with the fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It tends to go unnoticed, but these events are actually very common. Corporations become so strongly affiliated with events that their involvement is made very obvious, mostly through naming rights/branding. Although the event is still for charitable causes, the presence of a major (profitable) corporation as presenters or partners in the event, deem an event as a corporate and cause-event; because the purpose of the event is a business objective relating to the triple bottom line (people, profit and planet - CSR). 

The advantage of using this umbrella term is that it simplifies the classification process. If the purpose of the event is to produce a winner, then it is automatically classed in the portfolio, as competitive. This eliminates the need to create subcategories for events that are not always considered to be 'sport'. 

Events that fall under this heading are those that did not definitively belong to any one category, with the potential to be placed in several. Or, to the contrary - events were also placed in this category because there were within variances within the purpose, impact and environment so that no particular category was entirely suitable.  

Mega Event
A Mega Event is one that has a purpose to achieve involvement on a grand scale. The environment and impact of this event should be global or at least transnational.

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