Event Conceptualisation (PART C)


The Lanterns series are 2 or 3 consecutive nights on beanbags by lantern light. The space is transformed for different audiences each night through lighting, colour, sound and beanbag arrangement. There is only one rule, no phones. The event is purposed to evoke emotion and allow individuals to create lasting and authentic memories with those in their company. This should be a not for profit event 

The event space is intended to be loaded with symbolism in order to cultivate meaningful interactions between stakeholders. The visual scheme must however seem simple so to facilitate a fully immersive experience without being cluttered or disrupting the flow. The ideal place for it is down near the Curtin Stadium, on a flat grassy surface and seating will be supplied (beanbags). The open field adds an important quality to the event but the setup needs to be in the vicinity of trees where the paper lanterns can be placed. This event is visually designed to make a significant impact upon the first impression so there will be a meeting point where guests are to arrive that is not located at the event space. The guests will be guided to the lantern spot. Upon arrival, guests will be able to hear soft music. This event relies on sensory stimulation through colour and light and sound. It is disctinctive from other events because it is only a structure. It does not have content because the content will be the guests.  

The impact should be one that enables a lasting memory of the event and an impression that is guaranteed to not only promise returning guests, but also to attract more - up to the point of fostering a lantern-loving community. Through meaningful interaction and quality experience, guests should be able to experience transformation. The themes for this event are appreciation; meaning and intimacy.

The first night is called Lantern Friends. The Lanterns will be a variety of bright colours. This will be symbolic for diversity. Guests will be encouraged to bring picnic rugs and the university will supply the bean bags. Looking at the event space, there should be little groups scattered around the lanterns and under the trees (but not too dispersed). The physical setup is very specific because ideally, it will ideally cue stakeholder behaviour and limit movement to the lit areas of the event. At the same time, Attendees should feel as they are in control of the event, enough to experience exactly what they want out of it.

The following night will be called Lovers lanterns. All the lanterns and beanbags will be red, and there will be about half the capacity. Ideally, light catering should be supplied. The meanings are implicit and need to be in order to carry a theme, but the overall impact of the event is left to the stakeholders to decide.


The Lanterns Series is a Special Event, because while it is a creative expression which manifests itself through it's environment - it's purpose is not based on the arts (performance, song, dance etc). It's environment will offer a romantic space, but will be transformed for a new target audience; groups of friends. Both spaces will be intimate but the dynamics will differ between nights. It can be said that in terms of impact; the lantern series will be a cultural and community event because it should foster a sense of belonging and identity. However the setup will intentionally offer limited capacity, to preserve intimacy, but which will likely suppress the greater-sense-of-community feeling. The purpose of the event is solely to evoke emotion in guests. It is challenging to classify this event accurately because of it's ambiguous nature, which is why it is best to title it as a special event.

The reason why this event complements the portfolio, is because it is unique and meaningful in many ways. While all events enable audiences to attach their own meanings - there are no events in the portfolio with the sole and intent focus on creating or facilitating meaning or value-creation between people. The Lantern series however is an event of simple design - providing only the structure, so that the audience can be the content and co-creators of their own experience. This event is therefore unique, because the service being provided is one of experience-making.

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